M.A.L.P. - MPD Client

by Gateship-One

Music & Audio


M.A.L.P. is a new fully featured MPD remote control

This application is a remote control for the music player daemon (www.musicpd.org).* For support for this application please open an issue at our GitHub repository ( https://gitlab.com/gateship-one/malp ) or use the given email address ** Please check the Frequently Asked Questions if you have an issue (https://gitlab.com/gateship-one/malp/wikis/FAQ)If you dont know MPD and are looking for a music player for android, we recommend you have a look into Odyssey, which shares the same user interface with this application. ( https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.gateshipone.odyssey )The client implements most of the daemons functionality so that full media control and management is possible.To filter albums this client uses the album artist tag (if available) to filter multiple albums with the same title (e.g. Greatest Hits)We recommend that your music is tagged with musicbrainz library to get the best experience as the data tags are used to fetch artwork for artists and albums. Features: * Artist/Album/Files, saved playlist library browsing * AlbumArtist filtering * MBID filtering (multiple albums with same AlbumArtist and title can be accessed separately if MusicBrainzID is available) * Local & server-based search * Basic playlist management (add songs to saved lists, remove songs from saved lists, remove lists, save lists) * Launcher widget * Optional notification (enable in settings) * Background volume control via hardware buttons (only with notification enabled) * Multiple server profiles * Server statistics (use this to request a database update) * Output control * Artwork support with MusicBrainz,Last.fm, Fanart.tv as artwork provider (Album, artist images) * Fanart view for tablets or stuff like that (click on the cover in the now playing view, or select fullscreen mode from menu), best used on widescreen devices in landscape mode.Cover images shown on screenshots gratefully used with permission from Carbon Based Lifeforms ( http://carbonbasedlifeforms.net )This software is free software, licensed under the GPLv3 or later license. The source code is available on GitLab ( https://gitlab.com/gateship-one/malp )* Fix crash on device rotation* Fix show albums from Files View* Fix MPD artwork retrieval (bulk download for all music should work now)

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Once I go into the song view, I can't return. There's no way to report this issue anywhere else than here.

peacecop kalmer: piiskop

No issues. Visually a great experience. Just needs a by genre organization

Ben Tomlin

PoE + ethernet + raspberry pi + hibery dac 192khz 24bit + alsa&pulseaudio soxr resample + 2x3W hifi amp A-class + MPD + 192khz flac 24bit + MALP = extasy sound and comfort... Need all extinf fields from m3u playlist like icons and internet radio names, grouping etc.. When I save songs in saved playlist the EXINF are lost. New playlist should copy all EXTINF from old playlist.

Bartosz Ruta

Super functional and clean. Cannot think of any other free apps having this level of quality! Making my music server optically connected to stereo so much easier to use.

Xiaobo Fan

Love this app. Thank you!

Dean Jagels

Robust when used with Moode Audio or mpd player.

Dan McGee

It was great, but now is not working proper anymore. MPD 0.22.10-1.

Dan Paghici

Better than mpdroid. Thanks to developers and maintainers.

Alan Stein

The best MPD player for Android.

AJ Lawrence

This client does a nice job of controlling mpd servers. Very useful features: I like that it can be set to fetch cover art only via http from the server and it's displayed well. When displaying track details it displays all fields including comments and composer. This really matters for classical music collections. It's easy to set up and very simple to use. Switching between the queue, the library and the currently played tracks is well implemented. Streaming from the server works fine so you don't need another player. I'm now using this in preference to MPDroid & MAFA as it does all the things I need in a nice, easy way and I can just enjoy the music.

Julian Hughes